The Creepypasta Universe Wiki
Third Base
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Art by KrayolaColor.

Some attributes
Species Human
Sex Male
Origin Story Third Base by KrayolaColor
Other attributes

Richard "Doby" Doggers aka Third Base is a character from a creepypasta of the same name.


Richard "Doby" Doggers (pronounced "Dough-Bee Dodgers") was a high school junior baseball player who lived with his father after his parents divorced while his brother John lived with their mother. Due to their mother being emotionally abusive and not believing in mental illness she did nothing when John got depression and he eventually committed suicide. Doby blamed his mother (who he hated anyway for being transphobic) and started plotting his revenge against her. He eventually decided to murder her by smashing her head with his baseball bat, which he did before setting her house on fire.

After doing this he called his dead brother to leave a message on his voicemail (which he’d been playing over and over again as a sort of coping mechanism). In his message he tells John that he is “coming home” Doby told John that he is going to see him soon because of the nightmares he’d been having that lead him to the moment of killing his mother. The nightmares he head were specifically of John running away from him in an old dead forest. The last nightmare Doby had is of him finally reaching the center of the woods where he found the tree. He talked about the woods feeling like they are leading him “home”.

So Doby walked into the woods after leaving his phone to be destroyed in the house fire and he was planning to keep walking until he reached “home” because that’s where he believed he'd find John. Instead he found Slender Man, who had been manipulating him the entire time. Slender Man was testing Doby to see if he was "worthy" of becoming a proxy. Doby giving in and murdering his mother was him proving his worthiness. From that day forward Doby has been a proxy of Slender Man under the name "Third Base".


Third Base always makes quips and witty remarks as well as running banter whenever he’s fighting. Third Base is fairly self confident & head strong as well to the point were it can get him in trouble. He’s extremely passionate in what he believes in and he will not back down from a fight over something that’s important to him. But if Third Base is confronted with an attractive man he loses all speech and just kinda forgets English. Third Base really is a sweetheart once you get know him though, he’s just bursting at the seams in need for a “found family” in which he would protect with his life.

Who created them?[]


Miscellaneous Information[]

  • The reason why Third Base is so similar to Ticci Toby is because he was created as a response to Toby's creator Kastoway wanting Toby out of the creepypasta fandom at the time.
  • Third Base is gay and trans (FTM to be more specific).
  • The reason he's called "Doby" despite being named Richard is thus: his first nickname was "Dicky" but that nickname made him uncomfortable, so he changed it to "Robby". Eventually, that nickname morphed into "Doby". Nobody is sure when exactly the name Doby started to rhyme with "Toby" instead of "Robby", but it did.
  • Before he became a proxy Third Base had a crush on a friend of his named Jay Myles.
  • He has Tourette's syndrome.
  • Third Base paints his nails. He usually paints them black but he'll put a glitter coat on his middle fingers so when that he flips people off it’s sparkly.
  • Hhe likes stealing things from his victims. Things Third Base steals include: New socks, snacks, nail polish he likes, bracelets (Kandi or fandom/music related or cool emo/scene looking one), Pride merch, etc.
  • Third Base makes friends quickly, he has a very attractive personality.
  • His bat is his murder weapon.
  • The start of Third Base’s work under Slender Man was rough. He felt he was lied to. He felt like he was promised a reunion with John, but he wasn’t there and he never will be.
  • He has a thing for knee high socks.

