Sleepy Gaege - previously known as Gaege Griffins - is the main protagonist from origins named Sleepy Gaege - A story. He is mainly active at night, he hardly sleeps but he does rarely finally sleeps which can last days to weeks. He is one of Slenderman's Proxies who is very loyal to him.
From a town near the forest, the town was pretty quiet. Gaege lives with his mother, father and his little sister in a small house fit for 4 people. Gaege spends his time in his room mainly watching the people go by while he struggles from mental issues. His father is abusive, mainly abusing Gaege. It was worse once he came out as gay to the family. He never says anything about his partner to any of his family. One day, meeting Slenderman he had a goal was to kill his family but chose to kill his father instead. He ran away from home after murdering his father, never to be seen again by anyone.
He lived his life in the house most of the time, in his room or in the backyard. One day, he was on the internet while having lunch to took at places to visit. He suddenly saw missing people posers online, looking through them knowing who they were. He suddenly turned around to see Slenderman through his window up close. He backed into the wall horrified. He ended up in hospital where he stayed for weeks close to a month before getting released with stronger medication.
He went through flashbacks, visions from the past. Before waking up to his sister shaking him, they walked downstairs to eat breakfast. Suddenly going into a frozen state, turning around to see Slenderman again making a run out the house. While close to the forest breaking down in tears, he finally meets Slenderman with choices. Kill his family or be the one dead, he chose to kill his father and hurt Lily with a metal bat. Fleeing the house into the woods where he drops his phone in the river after texting his boyfriend before vanishing. He officially joined Slenderman's Proxies, after the event. Slenderman took Gaege's hand leading him deeper into the forest where Gaege was never seen again.
Gaege is a slim feminine looking boy with not much muscle but is a healthy weight for his age which shocked doctors. He appears with messy ash brown hair with glowing dark blue eyes. He is always seen with dark bags under his eyes. He usually wears shirts and t-shirts mainly white or blue styling in black jeans and brown Jordan's. Most times wearing a denim jacket over his shirts. He can also be seen in sweaters and sweatpants when he is not on a killing spree. He has a proxy symbol by his neck down to his shoulder line which never comes off. His weapon is a metal bat wrapped at the handle with bandages.
Gaege was a quiet person with a kind heart, making everyone around him happy. He is sensitive as he has problems at home with an abusive father. As he got older, he became more quiet and cold, protecting his mum and sister from the abuse and taking all of it for them. Gaege has PTSD from the events of Abuse taken in by his father, making Gaege struggle a lot.
His personality changed a lot throughout his life. From a kind hearted kid to a cold angry person with issues. Gaege struggles with anger issues, following his life growing up. Gaege has Manic Depression coming from being Bipolar, and struggling living under the same roof as his father who he has despise for so long. He has his high and low moments but can be triggered at times leading him to having an Manic Episode.
Who created Sleepy Gaege?[]
His creator is Strawberry~Teacup also named Tobi Online. She is active with the character, and is open to questions regarding Gaege over on her Instagram.
- Gaege was born on Marth 14th 1999 in Los Angeles, California.
- He was created back in 2017 when Tobi, his creator was a teenager. Due to fear, she did not post him until March -April 2024 when she was an adult.
- He suffers from Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder, PTSD and Insomnia.
- He is Vegetarian.
- He is in a canon relationship with his boyfriend Adan Hope.
- Gaege was stalked by Slenderman since he was a child.
- He has a little sister name Lily.
- He has been to the psych ward many times that the staff knows him very well.
- Gaege is not so friendly, due to his past. He lost trust in people, and is only friendly to people he knows.
- Tobi, the creator of Sleepy Gaege stated that Gaege was originally was gonna be Aromatic Asexual while he was in development. It was changed before full release.
- He can actually dance well and has an angelic voice when he sings.
- He is a short adult, he thought he'd grow to unless 5'11 but stopped growing sitting at 5'4.